Rose Hill Elementary Playground
The kids’ Chinese tutor brought cozy animal winter hats for Innaias and Guinness
The kids’ Chinese tutor brought cozy animal winter hats for Innaias and Guinness
New Year’s Eve everyone but Flynn had a cold
New Year’s Eve everyone but Flynn had a cold
But we still biked over to the elementary school to play while the sun was out
But we still biked over to the elementary school to play while the sun was out
Debra stayed home to relax, while the rest of us enjoyed the dusting of snow on the playground
Debra stayed home to relax, while the rest of us enjoyed the dusting of snow on the playground
Getting ready to slide
Getting ready to slide
Innaias decided he had second thoughts about sliding, because there was still some ice frozen to it
Innaias decided he had second thoughts about sliding, because there was still some ice frozen to it
Guinness hops down
Guinness hops down
Flynn looking non-chalant
Flynn looking non-chalant
Running around
Running around
Guinness and Flynn wrestle under the slide
Guinness and Flynn wrestle under the slide
Fuzzy panda hat
Fuzzy panda hat
Flynn casually heads off Guinness
Flynn casually heads off Guinness
Maybe he should have worn his mittens ☺
Maybe he should have worn his mittens ☺